The British Association of Flower Essence Producers

Bailey Essences

Promoting well-being, wholeness,
acceptance and living in the present moment
through the use of
flower essences, five elements,
meditation, movement, communication
and connection to the Earth.

Crafting High Quality Flower Essences for 50 years

For 50 years, the Bailey family have been using their knowledge of flower essences, five elements, movement (yoga and qi gong) and meditation to keep them walking along the path of acceptance and inner growth.

To them, living well has always meant:

  • accepting who we are without cynicism and judgement, loving ourselves, warts and all,
  • learning to accept those around us with deep compassion and understanding that we all mirror each other. That which is in you is also in me.
  • living in the present moment in the knowledge that there is no other moment.
  • moving well for our individual abilities, loving and caring for our bodies, old or young, flexible or stiff, healthy or in a state of dis-ease.
  • understanding the cycles and seasons of our natural world and working where we can within this so that we flow with life rather than against it.
  • eating well – feeding our bodies, our spirits and our souls with all their needs.
  • following a path of movement, inner peace, creativity, integrity and plenty of fun.
  • spending time in nature and in deepening our connection to this Earth and all the beings upon it – people, plants, animals and the Earth itself.

In March 2016, the Bailey essences were transferred to Yorkshire Flower Essences Ltd and continue to be made in the same way as they always have been, remaining here in Ilkley.